ECE Dept organizes invited talk on SONAR
ECE Department of the College organized a technical talk on “Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR)” on 14 February 2019. Dr.S.Swapana Kumar delivered the welcome address. Dr Saji C B (Principal, VAST), Er G Mohanachandran (Executive Director, VICT) and Mr Suresh Lal (Finance Director, VICT) Dr S Swapna Kumar (HOD, ECE Dept) and Mr Paul Chakola (Placement Officer, VAST) offered felicitations. Dr T Ratnamani, (Scientist Grade-G, DRDO) delivered the presentation on SONAR to the S2 and S4 students of M Tech (Embedded Systems). Various opportunities in the field of SONAR and the role of electronics engineers in the field SONAR were well explained.
What is SONAR?