KUHS seeks Vidya’s help in implementing online classes

The Kerala University of Health Science (KUHS) wanted help desperately in implementing online classes for its students and the authorities of the University found the right expertise in Vidya’s campus. The University was looking for help in implementing Moodle, the learning management system. In this connection, a team from KUHS lead by Dean visited Vidya on 11 June 2020. A detailed demonstration on Moodle system was provided by Mr Alex Chacko C (AP, ME Dept) and Mr Shali K R (Server Administrator). After the discussions they officially requested access to the materials relating to the Orientation Course on Moodle developed by Mr Alex Chacko C. They found it very useful for implementing the Moodle system. Vidya offered further support to KUHS for developing Moodle in their campus.
Members of the KUHS team which visited Vidya
- Dr V V Unnikrishnan, Dean (Academics)
- Dr V M Iqbal, Dean (Student Affairs)
- Sri K Harilal, Systems Manager, IT KUHS
- Sri Anoop Kumar, Associate Professor, Head of Staff College
- Sri Sreejith, Programmer