CE Dept hosts national conference REACT 2020

The CE Dept of Vidya successfully conducted the “National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering and Technology (REACT 2020)” during 28 – 29 September 2020. The conference was held through Google Meet platform.

Day 1 (28 September 2020)

The conference started with a prayer. Dr C Justine Jose (Prof and Head, CE Dept) welcomed all. Dr Saji C B (Principal) delivered the presidential address. Prof K V Leela (Visiting Prof, CE Dept) also felicitated the participants. The conference was inaugurated by Dr T P Somasundaram (Retired Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut). Mr Nithin Mohan (Staff Coordinator, AP, CE Dept) gave a brief description about REACT 2020. The inaugural function was concluded with vote of thanks by Student Coordinator Ms Aleesha.

After the inaugural function, Dr T P Somasundaran gave an invited talk on “Cyclone Hazard Analysis and Design Wind Speeds”. This was followed by paper presentations by participants. Dr Anitha Jacob (Faculty in Govt. Service) chaired the session

Day 2 (29 September 2020)
Dr Sajith A S

The second day of the conference started at 9.30 am. Mr Nithin Mohan welcomed all. The principal speaker of the day was Dr Sajith A S (Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut). He delivered a talk on the topic “Structural Control using Passive Devices – An Overview”. This was followed by paper presentations. Dr Sajith A S chaired the session. REACT 2020 was concluded with a vote of thanks by Student Coordinator Mr Vivek V S.

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