The power of Google Sites in full display!
A website creation contest was an integral part of the Chip-to-Net series of workshops organised every year by the MCA Dept of the College. The participants of the workshop are given a hands on training in using the Google Sites tool to create a website and they are usually given about 24 hours’ time to create a website for submission as an entry for the competition. Over the years, the quality of the prize winning websites has improved dramatically and, according to the faculty members of the Dept, this year’s prize winning entry was really outstanding and had the look and feel of a professionally created website. It also demonstrates fully the power and versatility of of the Google Sites tool for creating a website. The readers of these columns are urged to judge themselves about the accuracy or otherwise of these claims by visiting the website at the following link.
The website was created by Mr Ashish Antony Pauly, a first year BCA student of Don Bosco College, Mannuthy, as part of the website creation contest organised in connection with the two-day online workshop Chip-to-Net 6.1 held during 30 – 31 March 2021.
Report on Chip-to-Net 6.1
MCA Dept’s Chip-to-Net workshop continues to attract students in large numbers