V-THINC organises quiz competition for first-year B Tech students under AICTE-SPICES


V-THINC is a group of first year B Tech students in Vidya interested in doing minor projects and research. The forum was formally inaugurated on on 30 November 2020. V-THINC is an acronym for “Vidya’s Talking, Hearing & Integrating kNowledge Club”.


AICTE granted Rs 0ne lakh to V-THNC under a special scheme known as SPICES (Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students). The objective of the scheme is “To energize and position students Club/ Chapters/ Societies as facilitating entity for pursuit of individual interests, creative work, showcasing talent,  networking and teamwork opportunities,  social experience; organization and management skills, exposure to professional ethics etc.”


As part of the activities under SPCES, V-THINC conducted an online quiz competition for first-year B Tech students on 30 April 2021. The theme of the quiz was “Campus Walk via College Website”. Around 170 responses were received within the stipulated time.

Prize winners

Sandra Alice John of S2 CSE B secured the first prize by answering 20 questions correctly out of 23 questions. The details of the top scorers are given below.

SI NO: Name of Student Branch Batch Score (out of 23) Rank
1 Sandra Alice John CSE B 20 1
2 Sandra Mariya Benny CSE B 18 2
3 Deva Priya CSE A 18 2
4 Shruthi Sunil CSE B 18 2
5 Akhila M ECE A 16 3
6 Abhilash Krishnan A ECE A 16 3
7 Ananth Rajeev ECE A 16 3
8 Anjana Nandakumar K ECE A 16 3
9 Vrindha K CSE B 16 3
10 Deepak Nair V P CSE A 16 3
11 Archana Tk CSE A 16 3