EEE Dept conducts interactive session with newly admitted students

Establishing a reliable plan for mentoring program ensures both mentor and mentee remain engaged and focused.

With this motto, EEE department conducted an interactive session with newly admitted students on 30 July 2023 at 7.00 pm via google meet. As many as 50 members joined including the faculty members and newly admitted students.Dr Mary P Varghese (HoD, EEE Dept) welcomed the gathering.

Dr Sudha Balagopalan (Dean academics) addressed the gathering and gave an overview of ROOTS scholarship. ‘ROOTS’, a comprehensive scholarship scheme established by the alumni of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department which was formed with the aim of nurturing talented and deserving students by helping them financially,academically and professionally for a better future.In the last year a total of 12 students were admitted. Similar way in this year second version of ROOTS will be offered to the 2023 admitted students. Mr Krishnakumar M (Asst. Professor, EEE Dept) gave a brief about the admission procedure and selection criteria for availing the ROOTS scholarship.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to EEE Dept and proud alumni on this consistent plan for mentoring program that achieves preferred result and retaining momentum right through the mentoring relationship