ISTE Faculty Induction Training Programme

Vidya always opens up before faculty members new outlook in technology at the frontier of acquaintance and the challenges and opportunities that provide to the dedicated and hard working.

With this objective, a three day Faculty Induction Training Programme was conducted by ISTE VAST chapter during 09-11 August 2023, with the aim of equipping the participants with valuable insights into crucial aspects of modern education. A total of 30 faculty members participated in the FDP. During this FDP, eminent experts from academia guided the participants on various aspects of teaching. Also, the queries of the participants were well addressed by the speakers. During this 3-dayprogramme, there were 8 sessions followed by participant’s feedback.
Inaugural ceremony.

The FDP was inaugurated by Dr Anil B (Academic Director, VICT). Dr Saji C B (Principal) presided over the function, followed by felicitation by Mr Suresh Lal (Executive Director, VICT). Ms Ponsy Paul (Secretary, ISTE VAST Chapter and Asst Prof, CE Dept) delivered welcome address.

Session Topic Resource Person
Session 1 21st Century Competencies for Graduates Mr Paul Chakola, Training & Placement Head,VAST
Session 2 Multiple roles of a Teacher Dr Anil B, Academic Director, VICT
Session 3 Classroom Management Dr Saji C B, Principal, VAST, Thrissur
Session 4 Skillfully Managing Student Behaviors Ms Asha Suresh, Student Counsellor, VAST,Thrissur
Session 5 Bloom’s Taxonomy Dr Anil B, Academic Director, VICT
Session 6 ERP for Academic Institutions Ms Jini Kumaraswamy, Software Engineer, VICT
Session 7 Research Projects, Funding, Sponsoring Agencies, Academic Writing & Publication Dr Anil B, Academic Director, VICT
Session 8 Outcome Based Education & Quality Assurance in Education Dr Sunitha, HoD AIML& Vice Principal, VAST, Thrissur

On the third day of the induction programme, a micro-teaching session was also incorporated, allowing teachers to put their learning into practice. They were given the opportunity to deliver short lessons in a controlled environment, receiving constructive feedback from their peers and mentors. (HoD, AS Dept, Dr S Swapna Kumar (Professor & HoD, ECE Dept), Dr Ramani Bai V (Professor & HoD, CSE Dept), Dr Mary P Varghese, (Asso Prof, HoD In Charge – EEE Dept), Dr Rakesh Hari, (Asso Prof, HoD In Charge, ME Dept), Dr Reji C Joy (Asso Prof, HoD In Charge, MCA), Dr Abhilasha P S (Asso Prof, CE Dept), gave their valuable feedbacks during the micro-teaching sessions thus helping the participants in refining their teaching techniques. Training Program concluded with a valedictory function chaired by Dr K Vijayakumar (Chairman, ISTE Kerala Section).

The event was co-ordinated by Ms Ponsy Paul (Secretary, ISTE VAST Chapter and Asst Prof, CE Dept) and Mr Anil Melepurath (Staff Advisor, ISTE VAST Chapter and Asst Prof, ECEDept).Mr Alex Chacko C (Asst Prof, ME Dept) provided the whole-hearted support with technology, for the smooth conduct of the programme.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to all the faculty members for opening up new vistas in technology and pedagogical aspect at the frontier of knowledge that served as an ideal platform for their professional refinement and career advancement the challenges and opportunities which provide to the dedicated and hard working

Hearty appreciations to Ms Ponsy, Mr Anil and Mr Alex on the successful conduct of the training programme