Industrial Visit offers virtual reality technology adding a new level of excitement to S4 CSE students

The Computer Science Engineering (CSE) students of Vidya Academy of Science and Technology embarked on an industrial visit to Wonderla Kochi on 07 March 2024. Ms Prajitha M V (Asst Prof, CSE Dept), Dr Sreedevi A (Asso Prof, Applied Science Dept), Ms Neethu P R (Asst Prof, CSE Dept), Ms Aswathy A K (Asst Prof, Applied Science Dept) accompanied the students for their visit.

The journey was indeed a wonderful experience as it really improved the bond between the students and tutors. It was not only a journey for enjoyment it was also a journey to understand and learn about the surroundings and the impact or the influence an engineer has every here and there. An amusement park was an amazing option for the students to learn and understand about the importance of engineering especially Computer Science and Engineering in a theme park. One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the introduction of virtual reality technology to amusement park attractions.

Virtual reality allows visitors to experience immersive, interactive environments, offering a new phase of stimulation and engagement to rides and attractions.All these were well explaiend.

The day was wrapped up with a smile on everybody’s face and with a handful of memories.

Hearty appreciations to all involved !!!