MPOWER Soft Skills Training for 2025 Graduating Batch
Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur, invests in molding students to be engineering professionals of international standards by imparting knowledge, skills, right attitude, and professional ethics. As part of this endeavor, at the campus, all students undergo experiential learning in areas of attitude tuning, grooming, effective communication, and leadership skill so as to make them confident to face the corporate world. Students are also oriented with skills in preparing their resume, attending group discussions, and in participating in the interview process. The training is fully hands-on and is conducted through activities and tasks which student perform to shore up their skills under the able tutelage of the trainers.
The three full day training program name MPOWER has been recently conducted for all students of the 2025 graduating batch of B. Tech and MCA programs. All the sessions are handled by Mr. Krishna Kumar and Mrs. Mridula M, two outstanding mentor cum coach, and facilitators. They hand hold the students and help them to overcome their inhabitations and help equip them to open out, and explore their inner potential.
The initial two sessions for this batch was held in August 2023, few of the classes in November / December 2023 and the last of the two classes attend the workshop held at the campus in April 2024. Few snapshots from the recently held MPOWER training workshop.