Vidya Sports Outreach Football Summer Camp Valedictory Function

With an aim to widen the football skills among school students in professional environment with qualified academy coaches, the Department of Physical Education conducted ‘Vidya Sports Outreach Summer Camp’ for school students during 12 April – 16 May 2024.

A total of 37 trainees took part in the 30 days slated camp. The trainees were taught basic skills and tactics in the game of football. They eagerly attended in the training sessions from morning 7 to 9.30 am. Above all the youngsters learned basic life lessons like discipline, self-motivation, acceptance of failure and victory, team work which can be experienced only from such kind of camps and competitions.

The Valedictory meeting was held on 16 May 2024 in the presence of Rev. Sr. Selin Joseph (Manager, Assisi English Medium HSS, Thalakkottukara), Dr Sunitha C (Principal, Vidya Academy of Science & Technology), Mr  Jose C Ponnor (Physical Education Teacher, Assisi English Medium HSS), Mr Arun Das (Member, PTA Executive Committee, Assisi English Medium HSS), Mr K V Ramesh (Asso.Prof. Physical Education, VAST) and Ms Arundhathi Sasikumar (Asst Prof Physical Education, VAST).

The camp was appreciated by all the dignitaries and marked its multi-dimensional effects on student’s character formation. The participants were gifted with a football jersey for the due consideration of their participation and involvement. The jersey’s for trainees were distributed by Dr Sunitha C and Rev. Sr. Selin Joseph during the function.

Mr Ramesh K V (Asso Prof, Phy. Edn Dept) and Ms Arundhathi Sasikumar (Asst Prof, Phy.Edn Dept) co-ordinated the camp with the support of student volunteers.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to Mr Ramesh, Ms Arundhathi Sasikumar and student volunteers on the successful conduct of the session that builds confidence, football mastery and skills in game play !!!