CSE student secures “Perfect 10” SGPA in S3 B.Tech exam after revaluation

Vidya students’ perseverance and dedication in seeking a fair outcome have culminated well-deserved recognitions in their abilities.

It is with a great sense of joy and honor, the Dept of CSE is sharing the news that, in the recently published revaluation results of the University examinations of S3 B Tech, Teresa Benny (2022-2026 Batch, CSE Dept) secured perfect 10 SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average).

The initial exam results did not accurately reflect her deep understanding of the subject matter. Through the revaluation process, Teresa was able to showcase her true potential and secure the outstanding SGPA she rightfully merits.

This achievement exemplifies Teresa’s commitment to academic excellence, resilience, and unwavering hard work. It serves as a beacon of inspiration for all CSE students facing similar challenges.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Teresa on this proud and laudable accomplishment that unlocks a wealth of knowledge and accelerate study growth and bestow to long-standing success !!!