TENDENCY – a decade of transition through memory lane on 22 December 2024

Alumni get to meet their old friends, walk down their precious memory lanes, reflect on their journeys, share experiences and reconnect with their favorite teachers.

The Association of Vidya Alumni (AVA) welcomes all Alumni  of 2010 -14 Batch marking  a decade of accomplishments and personal growth

Mark your calendar to  make the reunion sweet, creative and memorable.

Date 22  December 2024  (Sunday)
Time 11.00 am
Venue Pranavam College Auditorium
Point of contact :   Ms Fetsy K Francis ( (Secretary, AVA, Asst Prof, ECE Dept):  90379 86238
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in sharing the joy of influential years, reminiscing about the milestones achieved since graduation that unfold a cherished  sense of gratefulness and nostalgia. HEARTY WELCOME to  all 2010 -14 Batch Vidyaites !!!