Hearty congratulations to Vidya Toppers in the Seventh Semester B Tech Examinations

Vidya is abuzz with pleasure as the APJAKTU results for seventh semester B Tech examinations have been declared, showcasing an outstanding display of academic excellence by our students

As many as 33 students who have scored 9 and above SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) in the examination.

List of Students
Students SGPA Dept  Students SGPA Dept 
1 Lakshmi Krishnan 9.8 CSE 18 Aiswarya Chandran 9.2 CSE
2  Nandhini 9.5 ECE 19 Jeeva C S 9.2 CSE
3  Aryan S Tharayil 9.5 ECE 20 Saurave V S 9.2 CSE
4  Adharash K S 9.5 ECE 21 Gangodaya T S 9.17 CE
5 Athira Mohanan Nair 9.5 CSE 22 Haritha T S 9.1 ECE
6 Megha Raj 9.5 CSE 23 Meenakshi C V 9.1 CE
7 R Akash 9.5 CSE 24 Jidhin N S 9.1 CSE
8 Sumeena C A 9.4 CE 25 Joel Joseph 9.1 CSE
9 Naiza Fathima K V 9.4 CSE 26 Abin Jacob 9.07 EEE
10 T S Nandana 9.3 ECE 27 Nishana K S 9.07 CE
11 Sreelakshmi T  J 9.3 EEE 28 Anagha Nandakumar 9.03 ECE
12 Nimna P J 9.3 EEE 29 Gayatri Gireesh  9 ECE
13 Ranjana V R 9.3 CE 30 Aiswarya J 9 CSE
14 H Athulkrishnan 9.3 CSE 31 Ardra Krishna K 9 CSE
15 Sreelakshmi V B 9.3 CSE 32 Sradha Siju 9 CSE
16 Elna Davis 9.27 CSE 33 Sreedevi N N 9 CSE
17 A Ardra Nair 9.2 CSE