CE Dept conducts site visit for MTech and final-year B. Tech students

The Dept of CE has been conducting site visit to know behind the build to see the work in progress.

A site visit was organized for M. Tech and final-year B. Tech Civil Engineering students to the construction site of Sacred Heart Forane Church, Erumapetty on 04 December  2024. The visit provided a detailed understanding of structural drawings and their practical implementation in the ongoing construction process.

Students observed various construction techniques, material usage, and reinforcement details, gaining insights into real-world applications of theoretical knowledge.The site engineers shared valuable information on design considerations, project challenges, and quality control measures. This hands-on learning experience proved highly informative, bridging the gap between academic concepts and professional practice in civil engineering.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to CE Dept on the successful conduct of the site visit that  provides inclusive details, information and records of site clarification !!!