CE HoD chairs a session at the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering

The interaction of faculty with other institutions plays a pivotal role in enhancing academic collaboration, fostering innovation, and promoting professional growth. It not only benefits the individual faculty member but also enriches the intellectual and organizational fabric of academic environment 

Dr Abhilasha P S ((Professor  & HoD, CE Dept) was invited to chair a session at the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering, organized by Nehru College of Engineering and Research Centre, Thrissur on 17 January 2025.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to Dr Abhilasha on the flourishing  session  that  explores  a common platform for students, academicians and researchers to discuss and present the latest advancements and innovations in various scientific and engineering fields !!!