Vidya Students shine at the Lake Side Marathon

Lakeside Marathon, an exclusive running event organized by Angamaly Heritage, attracted runners from various institutions and fitness enthusiasts from across the region. This running event was of international standards while retaining its local appeal, style and scenic beauty.

Vidya Students (Abin Babu (S3, M.Tech,ES,ECE Dept), Pavin Krishna K S (S6, ME Dept), Asif A Z (S8, CE Dept), Robin T V (S6, ME Dept) and Gayathri Vennaikot Govind (S6, AIML  Dept) participated in the lake Side Marathon.

Abin Babu completed the Marathon third in the 10k category .

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulations to all participants and  Abin on this remarkable  feat that strengthens to pursue sports and fitness alongside academics with their fortitude, determination and team spirit !!!