ECE Dept organizes invited talk on SONAR

ECE Department of the College organized a technical talk on “Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR)”  on 14 February 2019. Dr.S.Swapana Kumar delivered the welcome address. Dr Saji C B (Principal, VAST), Er G Mohanachandran (Executive Director, VICT) and Mr Suresh Lal (Finance Director, VICT) Dr S Swapna Kumar (HOD, ECE Dept) and Mr Paul Chakola (Placement Officer, VAST) offered felicitations. Dr T Ratnamani, (Scientist Grade-G, DRDO) delivered the presentation on  SONAR to the S2 and S4 students of M Tech (Embedded Systems). Various opportunities in the field of SONAR and the role of electronics engineers in the field SONAR were  well explained.

What is SONAR?

SONAR is a technique that uses sound waves to map or locate objects in the surrounding environment. The premise is quite simple: first, emit a cluster of sound waves in the direction of an object. While a few waves will bounce off it, the remaining waves will be reflected back in the direction of the emitter. The technique isn’t something extravagant that humans have developed in recent years; it has been used by animals such as bats and whales for millions of years.