MCA Dept announces National Conference on Advances in Computing Technology (NC-ACT 2020)

The MCA Dept of the College is organising a national conference on advances in computing technology in the online mode during 3 – 4 December 2020: “National Conference on Advances in Computing Technology (NCACT 2020)”. The Conference is being planned to be organised with the cooperation of ISTE (VAST Chapter) and CSI (VAST Chapter). The Dept has started preliminary work by constituting an Organising Committee with Ms Salkala K S (AP, MCA Dept) as the Coordinator and Mr Dijesh P (Asoo prof, MCA dept) ad the Co-Coordinator. Also, the Dept has already identified some experts from academia and industry for delivering keynote addresses. The conference is intended to provide a forum for researchers, faculty members and post-graduate scholars in Computer Applications/Science/Technology to interact with experts in computing technology and to present their research/review papers before a wide cross-section of academia. Due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation, the conference will be conducted in the online mode using video-conferencing platforms.
