A great research paper from CE Dept in CBIP journal

The frequency of research publications by faculty members of Vidya is gradually picking up. Here is a great news regarding the publication of a research paper by a faculty member of Vidya in the highly prestigious “Water & Energy International Journal” published by the Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP). The paper is titled “Experimental Evaluation of Soil-Geotextiles Filtration Characteristics for the Embankment Portion of a Dam” and authored by Dr Abhilasha P S (Asso Prof, CE Dept) jointly with Dr Antony Balan G Thadicaran. The work reported in the paper is a part of a KTU CERD funded project and also a continuation of her PhD work.

CBIP is a Premier Institution set up by the Government of India in the 1927 and has been rendering dedicated services to the professional organization, engineers and individuals in the country related to power, water resources and renewable energy sectors.

Abstract of the paper

