Routine but important: Management Review meeting held

This academic year’s first Management Review Meeting was held on 4 January 2022 at 2.00 P.M. via Google Meet. The occasion was honored with the presence of the Chairman of VICT, the Directors of VICT and the Principal. The Heads of all Depts, academic and non-academic, participated in the Meeting. They also presented reports containing details of activities conducted since the previous  Management Review Meeting.
The Management Representative Team which was coordinating the meeting had a new face in it. As per Principal’s Order, Ms Aparna S Balan (AP, MCA Dept) had recently been inducted to the Team as an Assistant Management Representative to replace Ms Shiny E A (AP, AS Dept) who had left Vidya sometime earlier. The Team now consists of Dr Abhilasha P S (Associate Professor, CE Dept and Management Representative), Ms Divya Unni (AP, ECE Dept and Assistant Management Representative) and Ms Aparna S Balan (AP, MCA Dept and Assistant Management Representative).
