Hearty Congratulations to M Tech Structural Engineering students on scoring a 100% result for S2

Vidya students  have  always  kept specific objectives  for achieving academic brilliance. With such brilliant results, our students are set to create a difference in their future studies in post graduation courses.

It gives us an immense sense of delight and honor to share that all post graduate students  in Structural Engineering brought laurel to Vidya by securing a cent percent result of the 2021-23 Batch. In the recently published results of the University examinations of S2 M Tech Structural Engineering, as many as 7 Vidya students secured 9 or more SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average). 

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending hearty congratulation to our proud students on this stupendous result that motivates others to shape their young minds and transform them into achievers and wishing all the best for  creating a unique path for the students to follow !!!
