Fostering Young Talents : Vidya invites HSS students for ‘S-Fiesta 2023’

Vidya honours knowledge and here’s a wonderful opportunity of sharing the self-learning experience .

Vidya identifies this as a perfect time to present meticulous solutions for rebuilding Kerala in view of unparalleled calamities experienced by the state for the past few years. With this objective, Vidya is hosting Science & GK Competition for Higher Secondary Students christened ‘S-Fiesta 2023’ with attractive prizes.

First Prize Rs 20,000/-
First Runner up Rs 10,000/-
Second Runner up Rs 5,000/-
Consolation Prize
Rs 1,000/- (each for 10 Students)
‘S-Fiesta 2023’ is scheduled in two levels.
– Prelims will be conducted in respective schools.
– Finals will be held at Vidya Academy of Science and Technology on 15 September 2023
The topics for the competition include Physics, Chemistry. Mathematics and Rebuild Kerala
Points of Contact
Dr Bhavin K Bharath  (Asst Prof, ME Dept) 94472 05706
Ms Fetsy K Francis  (Asst Prof, ECE Dept)  90379 86238
Ms Ardra P Nair (Asst Prof, CE Dept) 70253 33059
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending cordial invitation to all HSS students to ‘S-Fiesta 2023 that provides an excellent opportunity and platform to promote self-learning and showcase their knowledge across a wide range of subjects . All are welcome !!!