Winners of Literary Online Book Review Contest ‘Read & Rekindle’

To enhance the literary skill of the students, the VAST Central Library in association with Association of Vidya Alumni (AVA) conducted a Literary Online Book Review Contest ‘Read & Rekindle’ for B Tech students.

Students were allowed to share a book/ short story/poem that inspired most, or one that they just couldn’t put down or a book that lingered in their memory afterward.

The rules were framed as follows
• The reviews must be original work of participants and must not be published anywhere else.
• The review can be either written or in the form of video.
• The time limit for video reviews should not be more than 2 minutes.
• The words should be limited to 250 words for written reviews.

First Prize Vaishnavi C S S2, CSE Dept
Second Prize Sinan Sulaiman S6, ME Dept
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending Hearty Congratulations to Vaishnavi and Sinan on this remarkable achievement that promote creative thinking and raise the deeper level of reading experiences !!!