CSE Dept organizes farewell ‘AAGAZ 2024’

The students from 2020-24 batch mixed with a sense of nostalgia and emotions as the outgoing students gathered for a group photo session, capturing the cherished memories of their time together at the college on the occasion of their farewell ceremony arranged by their juniors on 04 May 2024. The seniors were warmly welcomed, marking the transition of roles as they prepared to embark on their professional endeavors.

Dr Ramani Bai (HoD, CSE Dept) delivered heartfelt address, reminiscing about the students growth and achievements. This was followed by a special segment dedicated to expressing gratitude to the tutors who have guided and mentored the students throughout their academic tenure. As a gesture of gratitude, a token of love was presented to the HOD, symbolizing the students’ respect and appreciation for their unwavering guidance and leadership.

The atmosphere was filled with vibrant performances and other cultural presentations added an extra touch of celebration to the farewell event. A ceremonial cake cutting marked the culmination of the formal proceedings, signifying the sweet memories shared and the bonds forged during the students’ time at the college. The farewell event concluded on a lively note with a DJ session providing an opportunity for the students to unwind, dance, and create lasting memories with their peers before bidding adieu