CSE Merit Day 2024

Coming together is a beginning;keeping together is progress; working together is success….

The academic year of 2023-24 was celebrated with full zeal on 29 April, 2024. Dubbed as ‘Merit day’, this was an opportunity to acknowledge and reward the efforts of students who had brought laurels to the department. The event started with a serene prayer followed by the Rangapooja by CSE students. This was followed by a video presentation that gave the audience a peek of all the events and achievements that the department experienced over the academic year including but not limited to winning the overall championships in Alpha and Beta categories in ‘Advika’, the college arts fest and organising ‘Respawn’ – Kerala’s second largest LAN gaming event during ‘Vyvidh-24’, the college techno-cultural fest. This was quite a booster as everyone was overwhelmed with joy to relive all their favourite moments.

This was followed by a demonstration and the awarding of the ‘Best Project of the Year-2023’ to the winning team of Rajaram Reghuram (2019-23 Batch), Visal K S (2019-23 Batch), Vyshnav M (2019-23 Batch) and Vydarsh (2019-23 Batch).The unwavering guidance and expertise of the project guides were Dr Beena M V (Asso Prof, CSE Dept) and Ms Roshni Reghunathan (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) throughout the project were appreciated. Mr.Rajaram Raghuram gave a brief overview on their project ‘Sign Companion App’- an innovative app designed to facilitate communication through sign language, bridging the gap for individuals with hearing impairments. Their project not only showcased technical brilliance but also carried immense potential for real-world impact and best project was rewarded.

It was the formal function started with a welcome address by Dr. Ramani Bai V (HoD, CSE Dept). She emphasised on the successful year that the department had in every aspect and acknowledged the hard work and efforts of the association executives during the academic year and offered her congratulations. Followed by the welcome note, the HOD had recognised the CSE executive council and honoured them with a token of love for their tireless efforts throughout the academic year. It was time to welcome Dr. Saji C B (Principal) for the presidential address. He talked about how CSE has always been a leading example for the institution and how time and again, the department has shown its excellence not only in academics, but also in extracurricular activities. Following the address , he released the Technical Magazine of CSE-”DATAVIKALPA : pioneering digital journey” in the presence of Ms.Mithu Varghese (Technical Magazine Staff Editor, Asst Prof, CSE Dept) along with the magazine editorial board members. Chanjal Chandran ( S2 CSE Dept) was awarded for suggesting the magazine name. Followed by honouring of editorial board members of technical magazine by the Principal.Later, respected Principal had divulged the newsletter of CSE for the academic year and the efforts put in by the students and staff coordinators for the same were recognized and duly appreciated.

Then the event transitioned to the main part, where students who excelled in various aspects in academics, placements, and extracurricular activities were recognized and honored for their achievements. The class toppers from each class, from year one to four, the GATE qualifiers, various sports achievements, NSS achievements and staff achievements were acknowledged and presented with mementos in recognition of their accomplishments. This was followed by recognition of students who successfully secured placements. Mr. Paul Chakola (Head of the Training and Placement Dept) expressed his appreciation for the successful placements and presented tokens of appreciation to all students who secured positions.

Following this, the best Peer-Learning groups from each class were awarded for their consistent success in academics throughout the year. It was finally the moment to honour the student who had been the star of the department, recognizing their significant contributions to its success. Appu K (S8, CSE Dept) was crowned as the ‘Gem of CSE’ for his outstanding achievements and contributions to the continued success of the Dept.His mother received the same on his behalf and shared her happiness on gaining this achievement. The formal function was concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Abhishek C (Vice-President, CSE Association). The official function was concluded by a quote of Albert Einstein -”Strive Not To Be A Success,But Rather To Be Of Value”.Enriching refreshments were provided by the department to all the attendees at the end of the function. The day’s celebrations reached new heights once it was the time for the DJ. Everyone was full of spirits and a bright day with hopes of an even brighter future came to an end.

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty Congratulations to the entire CSE Dept on the successful conduct of Merit Day 2024 that showcase technical brilliance, immense potential of students in various capacities