ME faculty member handles motivational session

Motivation is a strong device that assist to get at the forefront in  life.Vidya faculty members have been serving as  resource person that kept many students stimulated

Mr Alex Chako C (Asst Prof, ME Dept) inspired students with a motivational class, focusing on SSLC and Plus 2 students who achieved full A+ grades. The session aimed to encourage students to strive for even greater success.

The organizers (Youth Congress Committee, Orumanayur) expressed their appreciation for Mr. Chako’s efforts in motivating the students. His inspiring words and guidance left a lasting impact on the young minds,equipping them to reach new heights.The event concluded with renewed enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence among the students.

The Editorial Team of News & Events with  the entire Vidya fraternity in extending  heartiest appreciation to Mr Alex on this flourishing session that serves as a driving tool to the students in being progressive both physical and psychological strength !!!