Vidya welcomes all first year B Tech (2024 –28 Batch) Students: AICTE-VIDYA Induction Training Programme started with an array of vibrant sessions and green activities

Vidya forever guarantees to instill a tradition of “a place that is as enjoyable and comfortable as one’s own home”.Vidya bestows with quality education all the means throughout well experienced faculty and staff members, infrastructural facilities, library and well equipped laboratories and computer centers.

To make the parents and students aware of the scholastic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the Institute and ensuring parental involvement in monitoring the performance and progress of the students, an Induction Training Programme 2024 was organized on 09 September 2024.

The day was marked with the auspicious presence of distinguished guest, ,  the management, former principals, parents,  staff members and students. The event embarked on a reverent prayer by Ms Akhila R (Asst Prof, EEE Dept) that gave the perfect tone for solemn and propitious participants. Dr Sunitha C (Principal) welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest to the audience.

The Inaugural ceremony served as much delight to Vidya as  our alumnus Dr Nitin Padmanabhan (Sr Engineer Scientist EPRI International USA, (2003-07 Batch, EEE Dept ) who  soared to great heights, making an impact in diverse fields across the globe inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp.Students’ Representatives ignited the lamp in their hands to join the lamp lighting. Ardra V S  (S1, CSE Dept) initiated the oath and all students attended the oath taking ceremony.

Dr Nitin Padmanabhan (Sr Engineer Scientist EPRI International USA) who addressed the gathering with  profound honor to stand there, amidst the passages that echo his fondest memories. Dr Nitin conveyed his overwhelming sense of nostalgia mingled with pride, being back here amongst all of you. He  motivated the students to be the the dreamers shaping their  future that serves as a reminder of the responsibility and the incredible influence that rests in the newly admitted students’ hands. With an abundance of joy and love,  a memento was presented to  Dr Nitin by Mr Suresh Lal.

Mr Suresh Lal (Executive Director, VICT), Adv. P.N Unnirajan (Retd IPS) Director-Administration, VICT), Dr. P. Prathapachandran Nair (Former Principal & Dean Academics,VAST)  Dr Sudha Balagopalan Former Principal & Dean Academics, VAST) and Mr Manoj Chalakkal (PTA President) offered felicitations. Mr Paul Chakola (Head, Placement and Training) delivered a talk on career opportunities in engineering, highlighting the various openings that students can capture in the ever-evolving technical industry and the significance of staying efficient with technological advancements. Dr. Vineetha C. P (VSSC Co-ordinator, Asso Prof, AS Dept) proposed vote of thanks.

The Induction Training Programme flourished with the valuable sessions from different walks of life.

Dr Smitha Das (Principal, Sreepathy Institute of Advanced Studies) delivered an Expert talk that inspired students with enrichment of  creativity, to place ambitious targets,  and develop a positive mindset to succeed such as developing resilience, seeking support, and maintaining a growth mindset.  Dr Jiby Jose K ( HoD, AS Dept)  and  Dr. Vineetha C. P (VSSC Co-ordinator, Asso Prof, AS Dept) handed  over a memento to Dr Smitha  as a token of appreciation.

The Talk conducted on 09 September 2024 with the topic ‘Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking’  by Mr Latheef K ( Civil Excise officer, VIMUKTHI)  served as an expression of its fortitude to strengthen feat and teamwork to achieve the goal of an ideal society free of drug abuse.

The session by Mr Paul Chakola (Head, Placement and Training) connected the students’ open doors for prospective job opportunities.

Read & Rekindle – the session handled by  Mr Girishkumar P C (Librarian)  highlighted the importance of e-resources that include  E– books and E – Journals and the need for students and faculty to utilize all the  resources available in the library effectively. He also  gave a brief idea about the Services of library, borrowing facilities rules and regulations , searching of catalogues etc .

Alumni Interactive  Session’ by every department provided an interactive platform to academic brilliance and their eagerness to acquire in-demand skills. The sessions served as a perfect platform for fruitful network among Vidya Alumni and endeavor to explore various  opportunities for Vidya studentsWith an aim to  foster green initiative and cheering sustainable practices within the student community, students planted saplings in the college premises like Nakshathravanam, Campus etc. The session  built a culture of ecological conscientiousness and led to significant optimistic impacts among the future generation.

 The vibrant  students exhibited their talent in cultural activities  and the performances such as dance, song, and orchestra were a visual treat to the listeners. This was co-ordinated by Dr. Vineetha C. P (VSSC Co-ordinator, Asso Prof, AS Dept) with the wholehearted support of Dr. Jiby Jose K ( HoD, AS Dept) , Applied Science & Humanities Dept staff members and first year group tutors .

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending hearty welcome to all the newly admitted (2024 – 28 Batch) students to initiate with the world of engineering and wishing all the best to hold unique significance and legacy of Vidya  with splendid dignity that endeavors to address the requirements to the  professional as well as personal  growth  

Let every ‘Vidyaite’ be a valued ambassador of Vidya’!!!