Bureau Veritas conducts ISO Surveillance Audit of the College
A team of three regular Auditors and an Observer Auditor, all from Bureau Veritas, conducted successfully on 03.03.2018 the first Surveillance Audit of the College after the ISO 9001:2008 Re-certification Audit in February 2017. The ISO certifying agency Bureau Veritas conducts Surveillance Audits every year to ensure that the institution is complying with the provisions of the ISO Standards. The team consisting of Ms Mary P Verghese (Management Representative, Asso. Prof of EEE), Ms Divya Unni (Assistant Management Representative, Asst Prof ECE) and Mr Anil Kumar (Assistant Management Representative, Asso. Prof of PE) made all arrangements for the conduct of the Audit. The Auditors have thoroughly checked the various processes of the College and expressed extreme satisfaction in the fact that the the processes are all ISO Standards compliant. After this Audit, the College will have the distinction of being an ISO 9001:2015 Standards compliant institution.