EEE Dept organises workshop on Arduino and LED bulb for polytechnic college students
The EEE Dept of the College hosted a two-day workshop on Arduino Programming and LED Bulb Assembly exclusively for students studying electrical engineering in polytechnic colleges in Kerala on 17 – 18 December 2018. The workshop was mainly focused on Arduino programming, interfacing and applications. LED bulb assembling and testing was included as a half-day session to ensure that all the participants get real hands on experience.
Mr Vishnurach K R (AP, EEE Dept) was the resource person for the workshop.
Out of 82 registrations, 54 students were shortlisted among which 53 attended the workshop.
The workshop was inaugurated by Dr Saji C B, Principal. Ms. Remani T, Head of EEE Dept, introduced the resource person to the audience. Mr Praveesh V V (AP, EEE Dept and Coordinator of the workshop) gave a brief overview of the workshop. Mr Krishnakumar M proposed the vote of thanks.
Topics covered
In the first session, students got familiarized with various development boards of Arduino and learnt the development environment for Arduino. Working with Arduino I/O pin was taught initially and students were made to run small practicals like blinking LED, interfacing Pushbutton switch. Following are some of the topics covered in detail:
Analog read/write
Digital read/write
Actuator control
Control of indicating devices
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