Countdown to the much awaited Graduation Ceremony begins
Graduation Ceremony
Listen, students of the 2019 pass out batches: The News & Events team would like to make an important announcement. The College authorities have decided to organise the much awaited, sometimes fun-filled sometimes extremely emotional, Graduation Ceremony of 2019 on 24 August 2019. A great and memorable day in the lives of every Vidya student. A committee has been constituted and they are working overtime to put in all the nuts and bolts in their proper places to make the Ceremony the most memorable event of the academic year 2019 – 20. A short list of prominent personalities have been drawn up for extending invitation as the Chief Guest of the occasion and the name will be finalised after obtaining consent from the to be invited guest. Meanwhile the participants, the outgoing students of the College who constitute the most important component of the Ceremony, may start countdown to the Ceremony from today onward!

Dr D Balakrishnan Day
The College authorities have also decided to organise the Dr D Balakrishnan Commemorative Lecture on 16 August 2019 to commemorate the services rendered by late Dr D Dalakrishnan, founder Academic Director of Vidya, in buliding up the academic infrastructure of Vidya. The main programme of the day would be a great talk by some very distinguished personality. The Committee entrusted with the task of organising the event has also prepared a short list of such personalities.