Project proposal writing contest: A new initiative from Dean-Academics

It was a novel initiative from Dr Sudha Balagopalan, Dean-Academics, the conceptualisation and the  implementation of which could not have happened in an institution without the academic and administrative ambience of Vidya. The idea was that of organising a “Project Proposal Writing Contest” for the faculty members of Vidya and the objective of the contest was to help young faculty members to hone their skills in writing acceptable and outstanding project proposals and also to generate some highly valued project ideas.

A word of appreciation from Executive Director

Dear Dr Sudha and all,

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL PARTICIPANTS IN GENERAL AND THE TOPPERS IN PARTICULAR for this maiden attempt initiated by the Dean. A BIG SALUTE TO Dr. SUDHA without her continuous followup and support this wouldn’t have been happened now.



Announcement of the contest

Dr Sudha Balagopalan announced the contest as early as 17 January 2019 through an email addressed to all Vidya family members. Proposals were invited in two categories: (a) proposals for up to Rs 2 lakhs and (b) proposals for Rs 2 – 5 lakhs. The proposals were to be prepared in the format specified by the agency to which the proposal was intended to be submitted.


As many as 18 proposals were received as part of the Contest. The evaluation of the proposals was done by a panel of eminent professors from within Vidya and also from outside institutions. In addition to the evaluation reports, the members of the judging panel also had given very valuable comments on strengths and suggestions for further improving the presentation of the proposals. These could be of more lasting value for Vidya in building up a research culture in the institution.The details of the prize winning project proposals were announced on 29 July 2019. In the final declaration of a third category of project proposals was also included, proposals for funds exceeding Rs 5 lakhs.

The following clipping gives the details of the prize winning proposals:


The Editorial Team of News & Events heartily congraatulates Dr Sudha Balagopalan for this truly novel initiative and also congratulates all the winners for their great effort in presenting the prize winning proposals. At the same time, the Editorial Team does not believe that those proposals that did not win prizes were all bad perhaps all they needed were some more fine tuning. However, ultimately, as the saying “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” goes, the proof of the quality of a project proposal is in getting it accepted by some funding agencies!