IEEE’s PES Quiz 2019 in Vidya
The tenth edition of IEEE day quiz PES Quiz 2019 for all branches of first year engineering students at college level was held in Vidya on 10 October 2019. The College level quiz consisted of 40 questions of duration 20 minute. Two toppers qualified for the finals. The finals is scheduled for 26 October 2019 at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology , Kottayam. Total prize money is 13K.
In Vidya, as many as 72 students from EEE, ME, CE and CSE depts participated in the Quiz. Devidasan M (S1 B Tech ME A) was the first topper. Vinayak Biju (S1 B Tech EEE) and Pradeek K B (S1 B Tech ME B) shared the second topper’s postion.
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