ME Dept students and staff attend seminar on product development
A group of 10 S5 B Tech (ME A batch) students along with Mr Sreerag S (TI- ME) attended a seminar on “Product Developement Using FreeCAD” at Govt Engineering College, Thrissur. The programme started with a brief introduction to FOSS by Mr Kailas of ICFOSS. The other technical sessions were handled by personnel from Incaetek, a Thiruvananthapuram based engineering service and skilling company.
Participants were given a product and were told to find out the deficiencies in the product and to suggest methods to remove those deficiencies and make the product a marketable one. This was followed by a group activity on product development related to cashless donation box. Every group developed a design and presented their product. The Incaetek team introduced their similar products and explained how to create a product that could be sold with profit.
The final session was on the use of FreeCAD in product development. At the end the day, the participants obtained a clear understanding of the use of FOSS.