New office bearers for Vidya Staff Club

Vidya Staff Club, a forum and a platform for expressing the social and cultural initiatives of all employees and others associated with Vidya, the College as well as the Trust, has selected a new set of office bearers for the year 2020 to lead and guide the activities of the Club. The members of the Executive Committee were selected in the Annual General Body meeting of the Club held at 1.00 pm on 24 January 2020 in the Pranvam Auditorium. The new office bearers were selected in a meeting of the Executive Committee held on 1 February 2020.

New office bearers
President Staff Advisor Secretary Joint Secretary Treasurer
Dr Saji C B


Prof Dileep K

Prof and Head, PE Dept

Ms Neenu Thomas

AP, EEE Dept

Ms Dhanya Govind

Office Supdt.

Ms Ida David

AP, AS Dept