Vidya alumni of 2005-09 B Tech (ECE) batch extend support to needy school student

Nandhana studying in Standard 10 of Sreekrishna Higher Secondary School, Guruvayur, is a bright student and has excelled in her studies. But, the recent shift to online teaching put her to severe disadvantage as her parents could not afford to get her the necessary electronic equipment to watch the online classes. With the assistance received from the various schemes of the Govt, her parents managed to procure a TV set for her. But, there was one more hindrance. Money was not available to ensure a cable connection. Hearing about her situation, the alumni of the 2005 – 09 B Tech (ECE) batch of Vidya raised the necessary funds to establish a cable connection for Nandhana with an advance subscription for six months. The alumni team offered their readiness to give her continued support in further studies. On behalf of the alumni, the necessary electronic equipment was handed over to Nandhana by Ms Remya P C, Secretary, Association of Vidya Alumni and Asst Professor in CSE Department. Nandhana hails from Kottappadi, Guruvayur.

