Concluding episode of the series of talks by career experts

The concluding episode of the series of talks by Career Experts was conducted on 4 July 2020. There were two career-related talks in this episode:

  • Ms Divya Radhakrishnan (AP, Humanities Dept) talked about “Change and Challenges in Education”. In her talk, she discussed the changes that have come about in the education sector due to COVID-19 and the challenges faced by a country like India.
  • Mr Alex Chacko (AP, ME Dept) discussed “Planning Your Career in the New Normal”. He discussed how important it is to stay alert at all times about the changes happening around oneself and the need to take advantage of the situation.

Participants came up with several queries regarding their careers which were answered by the resource persons.

Read reports on earlier episodes

Episode 1 : Vidya conducts the first episode of International Webinar series by career experts

Episode 2: Vidya continues with the series of talks by Career Experts