An official YouTube channel for Vidya launched

The home page of the channel can be accessed at:

An official YouTube channel for Vidya has been launched. The channel named “Vidya Academy of Science and Technology” was designed and created by Dr V N krishnachandran (Vice-Principal and Head of MCA Dept) with support from Mr Shali K R (Server Administrator).

The channel has been designed to achieve the following objectives:
  1. To serve as a repository of all videos created by the faculty and staff members, students, and other members of Vidya family
  2. To serve as a repository of links to videos in other channels of YouTube (like TV news clippings, lecture videos of faculty members, etc) which are related to Vidya
  3. To be a single reference page for accessing the online study materials prepared by the faculty members of Vidya
  4. To be a forum for strengthening the brand image of Vidya

At the initial launch itself, the channel has been populated with videos and links to known YouTube videos which were accessible to the creators.
