“30 Days of Google Cloud” in Vidya

The Developers Student Club (DSC) of Vidya in association with Google Cloud organized a cloud study jam titled “30 Days of Google Cloud” during October 2020 which is an event exclusive for colleges with DSC clubs. The programme was facilitated by Arjun Raghunandanan (S5 B Tech CSE A). Out of a total of 125 registered students, 51 students achieved at least one track and 40 students achieved both tracks.

Program Organizers

  • Arjun Raghunandanan (Cloud Facilitator/Technical Lead)
  • Ciril P Thomas (DSC Lead)
  • C Vinay Sankar (Marketing Lead)
  • Jijin K Haridas (Development Lead)
  • Anjana M Arun (WIT Lead)
  • Radhika Sharma (Creative Lead)

Staff Head

  • Ms Salitha K K (AP, CSE Dept)
What is “30 days of Google Cloud”?

“30 Days of Google Cloud” is a program to provide participants an opportunity to kickstart their career in cloud and get hands-on practice on Google Cloud Platform – the tool that powers apps like Google Search, Gmail and YouTube. Along the way, the participants learn and practice concepts like computing, application development, big data and machine learning using cloud. The program introduces the participants to computing, application development, big data and machine learning using Google Cloud’s training platform called Qwiklabs where the participants get an opportunity to learn these topics using temporary credentials to Google Cloud Platform, so that participants learn the cloud using the real thing – no simulations.

The topics are divided into 2 tracks: Cloud Engineering Track and Data Science and Machine Learning Track.

The full report on the programme is available at Link to full report.

