Central Document Depository in Vidya

Based on a concept note prepared by Dr V N Krishnachandran (Vice-Principal and Head of MCA Dept), it has been decided to set up a Central Document Depository in Vidya.

Every year, faculty and staff members of Vidya are generating quite a large number of documents both academic and otherwise. Many of these documents have a pan-College significance and need preservation for a long time. These documents include books published by faculty members, research papers published by faculty members and students, the college magazine, the self-assessment reports prepared for accreditation purposes, and such other documents. Presently, such documents are sometimes preserved in various academic departments, sometimes not preserved at all. There is no one central location where such important documents are archived. The lack of such a central facility hampers the collective assessment of the performance of the faculty and students in various fields.The decision to set up a Central Document Depository was taken in this background.

“Archives are witnesses to the past. They provide evidence, explanation and justification both for past actions and current decisions. Archives enable society to undertake a wide range of roles that enable civilised communities to take root and flourish, from enabling education and research, providing entertainment and leisure, to protecting human rights and confirming identity. Archives are unique, contemporaneous records and so once lost cannot be replaced. It is only through proper identification, care and wide access that the vital role that archives has can be fully realised to the benefit of humanity.” (International Council on Archives)