What after plus two? Career counselling programme by Dr P R Venkitaraman

Vidya, under the auspices of  Vidya’s Initiative for Better Engineering (VIBE-2021), organised a Career Guidance Programme (CGP) for +1 and +2 students on 20 June 2021 in the Zoom platform.

Dr P R Venkitaraman

Career counseling plays a very important role in the lives of all individuals, as it helps in setting future goals and choosing careers. Career counsellng is a much needed service to those who do not plan for their future at an early stage; more should be done to assist the younger generations in personal career development. When higher secondary school students have a clear understanding of the best career choices for them, end result is better planning, more college enrollments, and a more productive society. It was this realisation that motivated the VIBE-2021 team to organise a CGP for +1 and +2 students.

The main speaker of the occasion was Dr P R Venkitaraman, a Career Guru who is a pioneer in career counselling in Kerala. He opened and showcased the wide world of opportunities for the students. He conveyed the fact that the passion and the aptitude should be the main criteria while selecting a career. There  were enormous number of doubts from the students regarding different areas of career options and it was well explained and answered by him.

As many as 320 students actively participated in the programme. E-certificates were shared to all the students who attended the event.
