Webinar on fundamentals of Research Methodology
One day Webinar on fundamentals of Research Methodology was conducted on 17/10/2021(10.30 AM-12.30 PM). Dr. Sudha Balagopalan served as the resource person of the session.The program was arranged by EEE dept. in association with VRC cell, VAST
The objective of the session was to provide participants with a foundational understanding of the course .Fundamentals of research methodology form the bedrock of any rigorous and credible investigation, whether in academia, business, or other fields. Research methodology encompasses the systematic processes and techniques used to gather, analyze, and interpret data to answer specific research questions or solve problems. At its essence, it begins with a clear formulation of research objectives and the design of an appropriate research plan. This includes selecting the right research approach, such as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, depending on the nature of the inquiry. The methodology also involves choosing the most suitable data collection methods, whether through surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, or secondary data analysis. Rigorous attention to sampling techniques ensures that the data collected is representative and generalizable to the target population. Once data is gathered, meticulous analysis techniques, such as statistical tests, thematic coding, or content analysis, are employed to derive meaningful insights and conclusions.