Vidya to resume Graduation Ceremony

The annual Graduation Ceremony of Vidya, which was started in 2012, could not be held in the years 2020 and 2021 due the Covid related disruption in normal academic activities in colleges in Kerala. Since the general opinion in the College was against organising the Ceremony in the online mode, as many other institutions had done, Vidya did not think of organising it in the online mode. Now that the Covid related restrictions have been lifted and that the College has successfully organised the Vidya festivals in the offline mode in April-May 2022, the authorities have started discussions on organising the Graduation Ceremony in the offline conventional  mode in the next academic year. The current plans are to organise the Ceremony on two different days. On the first day, conduct the programme for students who had completed their studies in 2020 and in 2021 and on the second day, a repeat programme for students who will be completing the course this year, that is, 2022. Tentatively, the dates for the ceremony have been fixed as 23 July 2022 and 25 July 2022. The readers are advised to watch these pages for further announcements in this regard.

Read the story on Graduation Ceremony 2019 that appeared in these pages

Vidya’s Graduation Ceremony 2019

An image of Graduation Ceremony 2017