ME students bid farewell to Dr Ramachandran, Mr Praveen and Mr Cinto

The venue  was admirably adorned but there were somewhere the waves of sentiments clinging everyone.

To express  their gratitude towards their beloved HoD and teachers, ME students arranged  a farewell functioin on 04 September 2022 which serve as platform to  bring alive a lot of happy memories. Dr Ramachandran  retired  from Vidya’s service consequent on attaining 70 years of age in August 2022 .They also invited their teachers Mr Praveen A P and Mr Cinto P A and (Asst Prof) who left Vidya to pursue PhD  and for better prospects.

The students shared the effort, time, and experiences all these teachers provided to the everyone with gratitude. The students gifted them mementos as a symbol of their warmth and respect for all the remarkable contributions offered by Dr Ramachandran, Mr Praveen and Mr Cinto.

The teachers realized how lucky they have been to receive so much love and care from their  beloved students and they wish to witness the  students flying off to achieve their dreams.
