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Vidya provide the students with an opportunity to experience practically through interaction, working methods, and employment practices. The students get exposure to ensure hands-on learning and professional skill development as opposed to theoretical knowledge being taught in their classrooms.
With this aim, S3 students of Vidya conducted an industrial visit (IV) to attain an insight on how companies work and also useful information related to the practical aspects of the course which cannot be visualized in lectures
Dept of EEE
To experience and gain new skills and knowledge, EEE Dept students paid a visit to Metal Industries Limited, Shornur on 05 December 2022. Metal Industries Ltd is one-of-its-kind industry that produces agricultural equipment. The students were warmly welcomed by Mr Radhakrishnan (Plant Manager) and Mr Midhun D, an alumnus of Vidya (2018 – 2022 Batch, EEE Dept) who’s doing his apprenticeship, extended wholehearted support and guidance during their visit . Through various sessions led by Mr Sajith Kumar (Work Manager) and Mr Akshay (B.Tech Apprentice Trainee), the students learned about raw materials used for production, plasma arc cutting, power forging section, different stages to shape the metal into different agricultural tools etc. The quenching or tempering section and electrical modifications were well explained. Ms Anooja (Asst Prof, EEE Dept) and Ms Sheeja G H (Asst Prof, EEE Dept) accompanied the students. All the ignited ideas really created a sense of enthusiasm among the students to think about innovations and ideas to execute in hardcore industries.
Dept of CE
To aid CE students to acquire basic knowledge of functioning of the industry, an industrial visit was conducted to KAP India Tiles, Peramangalam. The factory strives to manufacture a wide range of quality clay products ranging from pottery and roofing tiles to precast structural members. The process of converting clay soil into smooth clay, extruded roof tiles, hand moulding, slit casting etc were well demonstrated. The students learned about the factory’s products like Wall Tiles, Ceiling, Tiles Roofing, Tiles Banisters Hollow , Bricks For walls hollow, Bricks For Roofs, Pottery Ridge and Tiles Jallies. The IV was co-ordinated Ms Roshni Vijay K (Asst Prof, CE Dept), Amrutha Krishnankutty (Asst Prof, CE Dept) and Amrutha Joshy (Asst Prof, CE Dept) led the industrial visit.
Dept of ME
The students of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering organized a visit to the equipment section of the Wonderla Amusement Park, Kochi on 05 December 2022. Through the different session explained by the officials, the students learned about the hydraulic machines, power transmission drives, mechanism and working of different rides. The students were also able to witness the practical applications of different subjects such as ‘Pneumatic’ , ‘Thermal’, ‘Kinematics of Machinery’ ‘and ‘Electrical Engineering’. The structural specialties of the rides, their working module, safety measures taken and timely maintenance work on each rides were well explained during their visit . A session on the types of materials used on the rides and their importance was also held. The IV was co-ordinated Mr Bhavin K (Asst Prof, ME Dept), Mr Anil Paul (Asst Prof, ME Dept) and Ms Ida David (Asst Prof, AS Dept). The study tour was a great experience for the students as they were able to explore the function of different mechanical equipments and interact with their personnel. |
Dept of CSE
To provide a good opportunity to gain an overview different e applications, the CSE students made an Industrial Visit on 05 December 2022 . Analysing the fact that Virtual Reality (VR) enhanced roller coasters and the future of entertainment, the students got a demonstration on, VR Roller Coaster, 3D rides etc The students experienced the “Virtual Reality Coaster’ which got a height of 6 meters and a track length of 190 meters” with VR goggles provided a completely immersive and adventurous experience for our students. Ms Divya K V (Asst Prof, CSE Dept), Ms Shameem S (Asst Prof, CSE Dept), Ms Jency Babu (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) and Ms Geethu P C (Asst Prof, CSE Dept) accompanied and co-ordinated the visit. The IV was beneficial for the students which helps them to test their theoretical knowledge and to bridges the gap between theoretical and field knowledge.
Dept of ECE
The augment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes most people to better their lives and is expanding human capacities as well as disrupting eons-old human activities. With this motto, a one day industrial visit to Wonderla’s Equipment Division, Kochi was conducted on 03 December 2022 under the guidance of Dr Jeeva K A (Asso Prof, ECE Dept) and Resmi K Rajan (Asso Prof, ECE Dept). To avoid the human fatigue , Wonderla has introduced a robot supervisor named ‘Lisa’. Through the various sessions, the students experienced the working principle of AV transmitter, AV receiver, AV TX. AV RX. The students interacted LISA robot using speech recognition system (Natural Language Processing) |
The Industrial Visit served as an ideal platform to explore and create opportunities to the students in the future by keeping the younger minds as the change makers and torch bearers of innovation !!!