CSE Students’ android application ‘Sign Companion’ to revolutionize communication for the hearing-impaired attracts media  

Vidya  connects students with bright ideas and facilitates communication with the ignited minds.

One of the most precious gifts to a human being is the capacity to see, listen, talk and respond according to the situations. But there are some sections of people who are deprived of this.Communication between hearing impaired and ordinary peers have always been a challenging task. To overcome these issues, the CSE Students developed an android application ‘Sign Companion’ that creates a seamless communication experience for the hearing impaired by eliminating the language barrier.

Due to the social impact and relevance of the same, quite number of print and electronic media publicized this application and its functioning.

‘Sign Companion’

The app uses advanced algorithms to translate text, audio, or documents into Indian Sign Language Animations, which can be easily understood by the hearing impaired. What sets Sign Companion apart from other translation apps is its ability to translate queries in real-time, making it easier for people to communicate with the hearing-impaired. The app is user-friendly and can be used by anyone, even if they are not familiar with Sign Language.

The creators have made their app ‘Sign Companion’ available to the public for free on the Google Play Store, recognizing the importance of providing a tool that can make a significant difference in the lives of the hearing-impaired. This app has the potential to change the way people communicate with the hearing impaired and make their lives easier. The Sign Companion team has shown that technology can be used to break down communication barriers and that a small idea can make a big impact on society.

The Team
Rajaram Reghuram, Visal K S, Vydharsh K R, and Vyshnav M S8, CSE Dept
Guide : Dr  Beena M V Asso Prof, CSE Dept
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya family in extending Hearty Appreciations to  Rajaram, Visal Vydharsh, and Vyshnav on this innovative idea that can be used to break down communication barriers and wishing all the best to formulate a significant difference in the lives of the hearing-impaired  and a big impact on society !!!
Appeared in Radio Mango 91.9
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