CSE Dept conducts session on ‘Pave your Career Path’

Vidya provides students with exposure to knowledge  and career planning to map out students goals and next steps .

The CSE Dept conducted a career guidance session christened  ‘Pave Your Career Path’ on 27 May 2023. The session was handled by Mr Pramod Karunalayam (Head of platform operations in East Asia and Japan at Philip Morris International). It was an online session started at 10:30 am with a prayer song by Dency P D (S6, CSE Dept). The welcome address was given by Dr. Ramani Bai V (HoD, CSE Dept).

The resource person, Mr Pramod handled  the session and gave a wonderful insights to the students’ future careers. He discussed with the students about various opportunities that can be explored and the benefits of the same. He also talked about details on how and which company to choose, requirements needed to get the job you want, techniques to improve professional profile and introduced to the professional accounts like LinkedIn. Feedback of the session was given by Solomon (S6. CSE Dept)  followed by the vote of thanks which was proposed by Hanna Jose (S6 CSE Dept).

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity  in extending Hearty Appreciations to  CSE Dept on the smooth conduct of the session  that empowers the participants  to resourcefully and strategically navigate their  own career !!!