Vidya’s top performers in KTU S5 B Tech results

The APJAKTU recently published the results of the S5 B Tech examinations. As many as 7 students who have scored 9 and above SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) in the examination.

# Name of the Student SGPA Branch
1 Sreejith S 9.7 CE
2 Ragitha  9.26 CSE
3 Sivakami  9.09 CSE
4 Akshay Sudheer V S   9.07 ME
5 Febin Rajan 9.02 CSE
6 Mohammed Ismail P K   9.02 ME
7 Sreeranjini Sreekumar 9 CE
The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciations to our proud students on achieving this stupendous result and wishing all the best to keep up  the next level of performance to achieve triumph and accomplish your ambition !!!