VIBE conducts session on ‘KEAM Option Registrations’

Kerala’s KEAM (Kerala Engineering, Architecture & Medical) entrance Examination 2023 exam serves as the most prominent entrance examinations to a variety of professional degree courses in Kerala. Large number of students attend the KEAM exam every year for admissions into engineering and other courses. The result of KEAM was published recently.

Based on the understanding about the importance of submitting error-free options, the VIBE (Vidya Initiative for Better Engineering) team conducted a session on  ‘KEAM Option Registrations’ for aspiring students on 22-06-2023. The session was taken by Mr Praveesh V V (Asst Prof, EEE Dept). He explained the procedures of KEAM option registration and other important information relating to the admission process. The participants attained a better understanding about the ways to perform the Option Registrations more wisely. 

The session was conducted as part of the orientation programmes for engineering aspirants. Sessions were also handled by the respective HoDs, Group Tutors, Mr Alex Chacko (Asst. Prof, ME Dept), Mr Paul Chackola (Placement Director) and Ms Asha T V (Student Counsellor). Dr Jiby Jose, Dr Nisha A B and Ms Divya Unni mentored the programme along with other members of the team. 

 Hearty appreciations  to the respective Departments and team VIBE  !!!