Vidya alumni  startup ‘Vinergy Solutions’ strengthens ME students’ employment brand

Valued  ambassadors of  Vidya have always revealed an outstanding legacy of compassion, and foresight to uphold the traditions and for the benefit of our students and alma mater.  Association  of  Vidya  Alumni  (AVA) owe  its feat to several dedicated alumni who have set freely of their time, intellect and resources to enrich this alumni network by offering better career for their juniors .

The energy formed from the knowledge and friendship of the first (2003 – 07)  batch of ME students has turned  into Vinergy Solutions Pvt Ltd., a thriving firm  in the business of air-conditioning and allied areas today. Incidentally, Vinergy is “Vidya + Energy“.

The company conducted a placement drive exclusively for the students from Vidya. Mr Abhijth P M (2019-23 batch, ME Dept) is selected as a Mechanical Engineer for HVAC Equipment Selection and Design in Vinergy Solutions.



The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty congratulation to the entire team of Vinergy Solutions on this ideal initiative that adds feathers to the feat tally each year leading to a radiant treasure trove of alumni !!!