Industry Certifications by Vidya students!

Industry recognized certifications are a great way to develop one’s hands-on skills and supplement the theoretical knowledge gained through the university curriculum.A plethora of options are available for interested learners. One such initiative which is available freely is the Infosys Springboard Certifications. Five final year students have taken initiative to skill-up and have been certified through this program. 

Infosys Springboard Certification
Certification earned by Student
Artificial Intelligence Foundation Joel Sabu S7, CSE
AI Primer Rohit C S7, CSE
AI Primer Meenakshy N S S7, CSE
AI Primer Neeraja Krishnakumar S7, CSE
Python Programmer Suryajit I Sudheeran S7, CSE

If you are genuinely interested; all you would need to do is to register at the portal or download the Springboard mobile app and ensure that in your profile the State, City and Educational institution is selected correctly: VIDYA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, THALAKKOTTUKARA, THRISSUR should be the institution name in the dropdown.

For details please visit:
One could begin with the basic Python or basic Java certification first and then go for the higher order skill certifications in Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Block Chain, etc. Even top-notch certifications in soft skills, Data Science, etc. are available, and all these are for free!

• All these certifications are free of cost
• All certifications are online video proctored assessments
• Basic certifications are of 1 hour duration, others are 3-hour assessments
• Basic certifications are multiple-choice questions
• 3-hour assessments may have descriptive questions (to be typed), problems to be solved and programs to be keyed in and compiled.
• One must score >= 65 out of 100 to qualify for certification
• Students can take these assessments from their home also

The Editorial Team of News & Events joins the entire Vidya fraternity in extending hearty appreciation to Joel,Rohit,Meenakshy,Neeraja and Suryajit ont heir hard earned certification that meets industry standards and involvement to strengthen technical and academic standards !!!